Editorial guidelines
SomaliSignal welcomes submissions of unsolicited opinion pieces, analyses, and book/article reviews on socio-political issues related to Somalia and the wider Horn of Africa region.
The number of words should range between 800 and 1,200 words and submissions should be exclusively written for SomaliSignal. Kindly include a short author biography at the end.
Our website also solicits features that focus on the human stories of Somalis everywhere.
Please note that we unfortunately cannot make payments for unsolicited articles.
Feel free to send your submissions to info@somalisignal.com.
We also encourage submissions in the Somali language which, if accepted, will be translated into English by our staff and published.
We urge our contributors to thoroughly read and re-read their articles before submitting them to minimize spelling and grammatical errors.
SomaliSignal reserves the right to make editorial and stylistic changes to all submissions we choose to publish.